Collab Spotlight: Meiri Anto '17
Meiri Anto was born in Japan and her family immigrated to Mountain View, CA in Silicon Valley when she was 7. She is majoring in economics and computer science at Swarthmore. Meiri is highly motivated by social impact and believes in the power of social entrepreneurship to transform our world and bring about social change at scale. During a gap year, she interned as a government relations fellow for Sanergy, an award-winning social enterprise in Kenya that creates a sanitation value chain for urban slums. At the nonprofit Innovation for Poverty Action, she researched multiple evidence based solutions to global poverty problems. She also explored the intersection of technology and social impact through an software engineering internship at of Facebook, where she worked on the software infrastructure that helps expand internet access to developing countries. Having met Sheryl Sandberg as a sophomore, Meiri believes that women’s empowerment is the one of the most valuable levers for further social change, and having more women in leadership is one of the most important ways to promote gender equality. Collab is a small way of contributing to this cause near and dear to her heart.